Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions

5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions 5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions 5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions By Mark Nichol Prepositions, words that indicate relations between nouns, pronouns, and verbs (mostly small ones like for, in, of, on, to, and with but sometimes more substantial, as in the case of beneath or between), are often integral to a sentence, but writers can clutter sentences by being overly dependent on them. Here are five strategies for minimizing the number of prepositions you use: 1. Eliminate Prepositions by Using Active Voice Shifting from passive voice to active voice, as in the revision of â€Å"The watch was obviously designed by a master craftsman† to â€Å"A master craftsman had obviously designed the watch† takes a preposition out of action. (But take care that the inversion of the sentence structure doesn’t incorrectly shift emphasis or diminish dramatic effect.) 2. Substitute an Adverb for a Prepositional Phrase In the writer’s toolbox, adverbs are stronger tools than prepositional phrases. Revision of the sentence â€Å"The politician responded to the allegations with vehemence† to â€Å"The politician responded vehemently to the allegations† strengthens the thought and deletes the weak preposition with. 3. Use a Genitive in Place of a Prepositional Phrase An easy test to help reduce the number of prepositions is to search for the genitive case, or a possessive form: If a sentence could use the genitive case but doesn’t, revise the sentence. For example, â€Å"She was disturbed by the violent images in the movie† gains more impact (and loses a preposition) by reversing the sentence’s subject and object: â€Å"She was disturbed by the movie’s violent images.† (Combine this strategy with a shift from passive voice to active voice, and you jettison two prepositions and further strengthen the statement: â€Å"The movie’s violent images disturbed her.†) Another use of this technique is to revise a phrase including a reference to a location within a location, as in â€Å"the Museum of Modern Art in New York City,† which can be more actively and efficiently rendered as â€Å"New York City’s Museum of Modern Art.† 4. Omit Prepositions by Eliminating Nominalizations Writers and editors aid clarity and conciseness by uncovering nominalizations, otherwise known as buried, or smothered, verbs. In doing so, they also negate the need for a preposition. For example, the sentence â€Å"Their attempt to provide a justification of the expense was unsuccessful,† simplified to â€Å"Their attempt to justify the expense was unsuccessful,† not only transforms the verb+article+nominalization clump â€Å"provide a justification† into the streamlined verb justify but also makes of unnecessary. (I originally wrote â€Å"but also makes the use of of unnecessary,† but then deleted the superfluous phrase â€Å"the use of† and thereby deleted a preposition.) 5. Delete Prepositional Phrases Prepositional phrases (preposition+article+noun) provide context, but they’re not always necessary. In a sentence like â€Å"The best outcome for this scenario would be an incremental withdrawal,† note whether the meaning is clear without the phrase, and if so, strike it out: â€Å"The best outcome would be an incremental withdrawal.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:75 Synonyms for â€Å"Angry†Dawned vs. DonnedEach vs. Both

Friday, November 22, 2019

38 países que pueden ingresar a EE.UU. sin visa

38 paà ­ses que pueden ingresar a EE.UU. sin visa Los ciudadanos de 38 paà ­ses pueden ingresar sin visa a Estados Unidos cuando la finalidad de su viaje es hacer turismo, negocios o recibir tratamiento mà ©dico en aplicacià ³n del Programa de Exencià ³n o Exoneracià ³n de visas (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). En este artà ­culo se informa sobre cules son esos paà ­ses, cà ³mo aplica el VWP a las personas con doble nacionalidad, en quà © circunstancias se pierde este privilegio para viajar sin visa, cundo es obligatorio solicitar una Autorizacià ³n de Viaje conocida como ESTA y, finalmente, los inconvenientes de viajar sin visa a Estados Unidos, el caso especial de los canadienses y consejos para evitar tener problemas como turistas. Listado de 38 paà ­ses autorizados a ingresar sin visa Pueden ingresar a Estados Unidos sin visa al amparo del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados los ciudadanos de los siguientes paà ­ses cuando el fin del viaje es turismo, negocios o tratamiento mà ©dico: AlemaniaAndorraAustraliaAustriaBà ©lgicaBruneiChileCorea del SurDinamarcaEslovaquiaEsloveniaEspaà ±aEstoniaFinlandiaFranciaGreciaHolandaHungrà ­aIslandiaIrlandaItaliaJapà ³nLetoniaLiechtensteinLituaniaLuxemburgoMaltaMà ³nacoNoruegaNueva ZelandaPortugalReino Unido (sà ³lo Inglaterra, Escocia, Gales, Irlanda del Norte, Islas del Canal y de Man)Repà ºblica ChecaSan MarinoSingapurSueciaSuizaTaiwan Doble nacionalidad y VWP Frecuentemente se da el caso de que personas de Latinoamà ©rica tienen, adems, un pasaporte incluido en el listado de VWP, como por ejemplo, el espaà ±ol, el italiano o el portuguà ©s. Este beneficio  aplica tambià ©n, en principio, a esas personas que tienen doble nacionalidad. Es decir, aunque hayan nacido y vivan habitualmente en un paà ­s no incluido en el VWP si adems tienen un pasaporte de un paà ­s sà ­ incluido pueden utilizar este à ºltimo para ingresar y salir de EE.UU. sin visa para negocios o turismo. Por supuesto, no estn obligados a hacerlo, pero pueden si desean evitarse pagar por una visa y la visita al consulado o Embajada para la entrevista de solicitud. Sin embargo, existe una importante excepcià ³n a esa regla general y es que si una persona con doble nacionalidad tiene negada la solicitud de una visa americana o ha tenido una y le ha sido cancelada o revocada no puede viajar a EE.UU. con su otro pasaporte y sin pedir visa. Por ejemplo, un colombiano con doble nacionalidad colombiana y espaà ±ola que ha pedido una visa de turista a Estados Unidos con el pasaporte colombiano y la solicitud fue negada no puede ingresar a Estados Unidos sin visa con un pasaporte espaà ±ol. Requisitos bsicos y autorizacià ³n previa conocida como ESTA Para ingresar a Estados Unidos sin visa es necesario, adems de pertenecer a un paà ­s incluido en la lista de los VWP, cumplir los siguientes requisitos: En primer lugar, el fin de ingresar a Estados Unidos es una visita como turista, para hacer negocios o tratamiento mà ©dico. Por ejemplo, no se puede estudiar a tiempo completo ni cursos de inglà ©s ni educaciones ms regladas. En segundo lugar, para viajar sin visa es imprescindible no haber tenido jams una peticià ³n de visa negada, ni con un pasaporte de un paà ­s incluido en el VWP ni con otro. En tercer lugar, si se llega a EE.UU. por avià ³n en una aerolà ­nea comercial es necesario obtener previamente una autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica aprobada (ESTA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s).Si se llega en avià ³n privado es necesario solicitar una visa regular. Si se ha viajado con anterioridad a Estados Unidos, se requiere haber cumplido con todos los requisitos migratorios, como salir no quedarse ms tiempo del permitido. En esos casos, la solicitud de la ESTA serà ­a rechazada. Si se entra a Estados Unidos por visa terrestre no se pide la ESTA previamente al viaje, sino que se llena el formulario I-94W una vez que se est en el puesto migratorio. En otras palabras, se necesita pedir la ESTA si se llega a Estados Unidos por avià ³n comercial o barco y no se necesita si se llega por và ­a terrestre. En cuarto lugar, hay que tener un pasaporte electrà ³nico con fotografà ­a digital y chip. En la actualidad, prcticamente todos son ya asà ­. Finalmente, no se puede estar en la categorà ­a de inadmisible o inelegible para una visa americana. Si el oficial en el control del paso migratorio al llegar a Estados Unidos detecta alguna de esas circunstancias entonces rechazar permitir el ingreso al paà ­s de la persona extranjera. Excepcià ³n que aplica y no se puede viajar sin visa No pueden viajar sin visa a pesar de tener un pasaporte de un paà ­s incluido en el VWP y deben aplicar por una B-2 las personas que se encuentran en una de estas dos situaciones siguientes: han viajado a Irn, Irak, Libia, Somalia, Sudn, Siria o Yemen  con fecha el  1 de marzo de 2011 o posteriormente.tienen doble nacionalidad con Irn, Irak, Siria o Sudn. Si tuvieran una ESTA en activo, à ©sta se ha cancelado y ya no sirve para viajar a Estados Unidos. El Secretario de Seguridad Interna (Homeland Security) puede permitir excepciones a esa regla para personas que hayan viajado a esos paà ­ses por negocios legà ­timos, por ser periodistas o por ser miembros de organizaciones internacionales u ONGs. Tambià ©n se permiten excepciones cuando la presencia responda a fines diplomticos o militares. Inconvenientes de ingresar a EE.UU. sin visa Ingresar sin visa tiene las ventajas de que no hay que pagar la cuota por la misma y que no hay que acudir a la entrevista en el consulado. Sin embargo, viajar sin visa puede tener una importante desventaja y es que bajo ninguna circunstancia la estancia en EE.UU. puede ser superior a 90 dà ­as. No es posible pedir una ampliacià ³n de la estancia ni pedir un cambio a una visa. La à ºnica posibilidad es salir del paà ­s o, en caso contrario, la persona se quedar en situacià ³n de ilegal desde el punto de vista migratorio. Para ampliar a ese plazo no se puede intentar engaà ±ar al sistema saliendo por unos dà ­as a Canad, Mà ©xico o Bahamas. No se van a obtener dà ­as extras. Paà ­ses con los que se negocia posible inclusià ³n en programa VWP Desde hace aà ±os, los Estados Unidos est negociando ampliar el programa a otros nueve paà ­ses. Pero no hay fecha de cunto eso podrà ­a convertirse en una realidad. Son estos: ArgentinaBrasilBulgariaChipreIsraelPoloniaRumanà ­aTurquà ­aUruguay Argentina y Uruguay ya pertenecieron a este grupo. El primero fue excluido en 2002 y el segundo un aà ±o ms tarde. Ciudadanos de Canad, pasos migratorios Los canadienses pueden entrar sin visa a Estados Unidos como turistas por un plazo mximo de seis meses. No pertenecen al grupo de VWP. Simplemente no necesitan visado. Para acelerar el paso de control migratorio en los aeropuertos, los ciudadanos de estos paà ­ses del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados pueden utilizar el sistema APC (control de pasaportes automatizado). Si se desea aprender ms, se recomienda tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples para asegurarte de que conoces todas las reglas fundamentales sobre viajar sin visa y la autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica conocida como ESTA. Para no tener problemas, lo mejor es evitarlos sabiendo cà ³mo. Evitar errores y disfrutar Estados Unidos como turista Para conservar tanto la visa de turista como el derecho a ingresar sin visa, es importante evitar estos  8 errores. Adems es importante conocer cules son las consecuencias  de quedarse ms tiempo del permitido  en los Estados Unidos y con  cunta frecuencia se puede ingresar  sin problemas.   Si se desea aprender ms, se recomienda tomar este  test de respuestas mà ºltiples  para asegurarte de que conoces todas las reglas fundamentales sobre viajar sin visa y la autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica conocida como ESTA. Para no tener problemas, lo mejor es evitarlos sabiendo cà ³mo. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Business (MaArketing ORHuman Resource Management) Research Paper

International Business (MaArketing ORHuman Resource Management) strategy of an International Firm - Research Paper Example The modern environment of the business world differentiates the business organizations of the world into the globetrotters and the globe watchers. The globetrotters are the most successful of the organizations where the essence is to target the different markets of the world. The globe watchers on the other hand look to take the advantages of the multinational companies in the production and the marketing process. The development of the globetrotters or the multinational companies depends on the efficiency of the marketing department of the organization to a large extent. The marketing in the other countries depend on the evaluation of the country. The market of the country and its customers are to be analyzed. The analysis of the economic conditions of the country will help in the growth of the company. The marketing department of the globetrotting companies has to evaluate the conditions to be able to exert them in these countries. (Cavusgil, December, 1991). The successful multina tional companies of the world have followed this model in its growth path. The paper will look into the marketing strategies of a well known international company to understand the situation. Coca Cola will be good example in the case of the study. Coca Cola was born in 1886 in Georgia. Dr. John Pemberton is credited with the invention of the drink. However, he was not aware of the potential of the drink and eventually sold it off to Asa Candler. It was under the reign of Candler that Coca Cola achieved iconic status. He was instrumental in the marketing and the advertising of the product. This was done with the help of merchandising of various products. Another important development during his reign was the bottling of the drink. The international expansion of the drink started under Ernest Woodruff and the bottling of the drink soon began in the other parts of the world. In Europe the drink was first bottled in France. Coca Cola became even more

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Word meditation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Word meditation - Assignment Example Clearly not. In this sense then, awake means me are alert and paying attention to something. One might argue then that being awake does not depend on the person who is awake, but depends on the person or thing originally said person must pay attention to. Generally, we’re all awake for the Rolling Stones, or the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, but we’re not always so awake for that 6am mathematics lecture, or grandma’s stories about how great it was to live in Ireland. Awake can be a verb – one can awake; and it can be an adjective – he is awake. However, these descriptions don’t always mean the person is awake from sleep. One can awake from past memories, or awaken from a dream. Here’s a quandary – can we be awake in a dream? I know I’ve had dreams where I’ve definitely been more attentive than during math class, dreams about flying or swimming a mile below the Atlantic Ocean, am I then more awake during these dreams than when I zoning out during math lectures? In this regard being awake is a much more complicated process than people originally realize. One not only has to be awake – meaning they are conscious – but they have to be conscious of being conscious in a way. They have to be so entirely conscious that there is no way they could possibly be unconscious. But then one must ask, is it possible to be too awake? Can one be so awake that they are no longer awake and just, well, Ià ¢â‚¬â„¢m not sure what they would be then, but definitely not

Sunday, November 17, 2019

My Production of Act 1 Essay Example for Free

My Production of Act 1 Essay My production of this scene will be performed in the round, with the audience seats rising outwards as if looking in to a pit. The stage itself will have a single light shining brightly from the centre straight up into a gap in the ceiling. The performance will be set in the main hallway of an expansive mansion, with the dim outlines of a staircase in the backgrounds, but the lighting will be very poor apart from the centre stage light. The beginning of the play will begin with complete pitch dark, so as to scare the audience, and to open their minds to all the possible evils in the eye of the imagination. The half-light will semi-illuminate the background and then the flash of the centre stage light will shock them, as the unexplainable phenomenon of thunder that Shakespeare used to show evil in his script, as the people of that time were very apprehensive about thunder and lightning, and believed witches could control the weather, inspiring the fear of power. As the thunder, a corpse will come dropping like only a corpse knows how, through the roof and onto the light, causing semi-darkness once more. As the audience are examining the corpse while trying not to look too closely, the flash of steel from the long, thin dagger straight to its target, will give the audience a presence of true sadism, a torturer who does not know when to stop, a merciless twisted mind. As the blade hits the torso of the stiff, a soft thud will horrify the audience, as to how easily the knife cut through it, right to the hilt. This will serve as a warning as to what they are going to witness, much like the summary of the play before it was performed in Shakespeares day, only simpler. The entrance of the evil coven will be dramatic, although not from a trapdoor, like Shakespeare would have done creating the image of an entry from hell. The assassins, all clad in black tight fitting suits which cover their faces, introducing the image of deception and battle with knives almost all over them, and each having six fingers on their left hand, showing disease and evil, as the people in that day believed left handed people were evil. The assassins will use ropes to descend, and each will be at a different third of the stage facing each of the thirds of the audience, giving them a long and contemptuous look, and stating their unchallenged superiority of them all. As they chant, their voices merging into one, purple smoke will swirl inwards as the gathering of evil. Shakespeare would have just used the witches voices becoming one to show the power of evil being gathered, As now more technology is available than in Shakespeares day, I will use the smoke to add more power behind the words in the eyes if the audience, and to show the effects of evil working instantaneously. The chanting will start off slow, quiet and broken. As they progress, eyes never leaving the audience, they will speed up as the evil draws in, and get louder without physically showing the needed exertion for such a volume, hinting at their supernatural intensity. Then they will exit via the ropes, and the carcass will fell through a trapdoor as if buried right into the underworld. Shakespeare would have the witches digging while they chanted, but these personifications of evil were above mortal toil. Shakespeare would also show the power of the witches by having them vanish from the audience, but the assassins will show their power by not seeming to do anything, but they had to be the ones chanting, right? The audience will be asking themselves and by this see them as immortal, above the three dimensions of this reality. And as the stage fades into darkness the scene will end, beginning and starting in the same place; absolute black, suggesting a cycle of evil, which is suggested at the end of the Polanski film as Malcolm approached the witches subsequent to his coronation. This gives the audience that kings come and go, but the controller of this puppet show, the witches, always remains. Since the technology of Shakespeares day could not support the lighting and special effects of modern day theatre, the dialogue of the characters played an important, if not vital, part in the audiences ability to follow the spread of evil. The double meanings of the words reflect the deviousness of evil, and the point of not speaking in iambic pentameters when consumed by evil, for the example the ravings of the mad Lady Macbeth, made it clear where evil has spread while remaining subtle enough not to ruin the mood of the scenes. The echoes of the witches words also represent where evil has touched the characters. It showed the extent of the witches grip on events, and the speed in which their actions take effect. Also, the soliloquised dialogues, primarily Macbeths, show how far evil has reached into his mind and others, changing the way they think, and how they act as well. Shakespeare has cleverly exploited the English language to represent the evil present.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Introductory speech Change in Thinking :: essays research papers

Change in thinking This is very long ago I worked as a part time teacher for 3 months back home in India. When I was doing my undergrad .This was part of a project work in the course work. There were 20 odd students in the class. But they are not at all good at studies. They used to skip the classes, use fowl language, never showed any kind of interest in listening to teachers or respecting them and what not. The principal of the school is fed up with their behavior and decided he is going to fail all the students. Here I was appointed as a mathematics teacher. I went as extra mile and requested the principal to give me a month, to see if I can bring any change in the students. The principal did accept my request. To start with it was very tough and challenging assignment. I did plan well and here how I executed the plan †¦ It starts this way I went to the class and spoke to the students Here is the deal I will help you out in passing your exams but you have to do what I will tell you guys to do. First week: You have to attend all the classes I am going to give D grade if you just attend the classes. Students felt good about the deal and started attending the classes. Second week: Now you can copy in the exams and I am going to give C grade. Students liked the deal. They did that. Third week: I said now I am going to give B grade if you do not copy from others, just write what you know. This time students liked it better. It motivated the students to participate in the class and started involving and showed lot of interest. Slowly but steadily they started doing well. After a month the principle decided to come to the class and check the performance of the students. Now we had one more deal, whenever I ask you a question (tables) whoever knows the answer raises your right hand. Whoever don’t know raise your left hand. And I am going to ask the person who has raised his right hand. The day has come, the principle came.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Japanese Period

Japanese Period Background The Japanese period is known as the era with the most brutalities in Philippine history. Unlike our previous capturers, the Japanese had no shame in hiding the cruelty that they imposed on the Filipino people. With their aim of capturing the Philippines in a span of 50 days, they did not hold back on the meaner of getting what they wanted. No one could escape the torture and hardships, and some could not even escape death. The Japanese had motives. They wanted the Filipinos to stray from the western culture, and become part of the east-Asia co prosperity sphere.They wanted a complete reformation of the people, for them to forget about their materialistic ways and to focus on vocational education and love of labor. Whenever someone would go against what they wanted, they would result to imprisonment and torture. They had no mercy for those that they suspected were against them. Conditions of the Prison The Kemp-ATA, or the Japanese military police would usua lly pick up Filipinos on the streets or in their houses, and throw them in prison cells either in Fort Santiago, in Blind prison, or in any compound that the Japanese have taken over.Some accounts say that the Japanese would keep them in small rooms, with nothing to do. Whenever they would look out the window, all they could see were ill-fed and unhappy Filipinos roaming the streets. Everyday, they would do the same things, and they would be fed tasteless and inadequate food twice a day. Most times, it's Just boiled vegetables and rice. Sometimes, they would add fish to the prisoners' food, but only the heads and the parts that they have thrown in the garbage. One source told his story of being kept in a hospital by the Japanese.He mentioned that two garbage dumpsters were located right outside the building where they were staying in, so flies would come in thousands each day. Whenever they would close their eyes, after about five minutes, the bed would be covered with flies, litera lly making a black blanket. Another source, quoted below, wrote his accounts of torture and hardships in his memoir, and what he experienced in the cell that he stayed in: â€Å"After a pause of a few minutes, I felt the searing Jerks of slivers being extracted.Minutes later, I could not remember how long, I regained consciousness. I was shivering and wet lying in a pool of water mixed with blood, semi-digested food, excrement and urine. The smell was terrible. I must have moved my bowels, vomited and urinated in my unconscious state. † The Japanese didn't care about the condition of each prisoner. They would Just leave them there, bruised and unconscious, until the next water cure session.Some rooms can only occupy a limited number of people if they allocate a bed for each person; therefore, what the Japanese did was to fit about 70 men inside one empty room, where the prisoners would sit in a squatting position. Most of the rooms couldn't have a bathroom; so instead, the Ja panese would provide the prisoners squatting Rules Inside the Prison There were no exact rules as to what should and shouldn't be done inside the prison cell, but the Filipinos were smart enough to know what the Japanese didn't like and what they capable of.Whenever a Filipino is captured, he is tied up and beaten, sometimes until he is unconscious, then he will be brought to a prison cell, where he will stay indefinitely and will continue to be tortured. Almost everyday, they will be questioned and tortured until they give an answer that would satisfy the Japanese en watching over them. Of course, like in any prison, no one was allowed to leave the facility. If anyone attempted to leave, they would be beaten and tortured to death.Family members were not allowed to visit them, except on April 29, when the emperor would celebrate his birthday and is considered a special holiday for the Japanese. They were not allowed to leave their cells, unless they were told to do so. Even bathing was limited to once a week, sometimes once every two weeks if they were unlucky. In 1941, a new Blind prison was available for use of the Japanese. Upon entering he facility, there was a standard procedure followed to accommodate the new prisoners: 1 . The carpets (bio-data) were taken and supplemented by fingerprinting 2.Heads of prisoners will be shaved 3. Clothes will be deposited for safekeeping, and replaced with a uniform 4. Medical examination of physical condition of the prisoners, and giving of immunization shots 5. Photos are taken with a prison number tag 6. Brigade assignments are issued. The new Blind was seen as a chance to live anew, and the prisoners noticed that the prison officials were more lenient than the ones in the old Blind facility and the nest in Fort Santiago. Rights Human rights were non-existent during the time of the Japanese.The torture methods were so inhumane that some prisoners felt like they were being treated like animals. They were not allowed to speak or do what they wanted, they weren't even allowed leave their prison cells unless they were told to do so. There was no regard for human life, at least for those who were imprisoned and tortured. Illustration of the water cure method of torture The methods that the Japanese used to get answers from the Filipinos were severe and barbaric. The water cure was the most used method for prisons.The prison officials would dip the head of the prisoner in a tub of water, or a wet material is placed on top of the nose and mouth of a prisoner until he starts gasping for air. They would then ask questions, and if they don't get a â€Å"satisfactory' answer, they would repeat the process. In the case of a prisoner drowning, they would immediately untie him and place him face down on a barrel. The Prison guards would then roll the barrel back and forth like a rocking chair to remove the water from the poor prisoners stomach and lungs.Then the process will continue once and striking with a baton or a slab of wood. Reasons for Imprisonment Most of the prisoners during the time of the Japanese were accused of being part of guerrillas. This was the main trigger for the Japanese to capture people in the streets or in their homes because they didn't want any secret anti-Japanese organizations to plan revolts, as well as keep in the Filipinos under the influence of the Americans. Although they captured many accused Filipinos, they were not able to fully and completely silence the guerilla groups.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Writing English Coursework

Writing English Coursework Writing English Coursework Writing English Coursework: Custom Writing If you are writing English Coursework, you will find this page useful. Down the page you will a well-written sample of English coursework on the topic Sir Arthur Conan Doyles short stories. If you want to get a custom coursework written by professional writer from scratch in accordance to your specific instruction, you should order coursework writing service at our site. We deliver high-quality original coursework on time! Do not forget to review tips on marketing coursework writing, English essay writing, and take a look at free English essays in our paper blog maintained by professional writers! Writing English Coursework: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Short Stories In this English coursework essay, I will be studying in depth one of the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's short stories, The Adventure of the Speckled Band. This is from his collection of short stories, the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I will be comparing this story with five other short stories, all from the same collection as The Adventure of the Speckled Band. The stories are The Red-Headed league: The Boscombe Valley Mystery; The Man with the Twisted Lip; The Blue Carbuncle and The Engineer's Thumb. All these six stories were originally published between 1891 and 1893, in the Strand Magazine. This illustrated monthly magazine was founded by Sir George Newnes in 1891 and became prominent for its publishing serialisations and short stories. The style of stories in the Strand were mostly all fictional, with Conan Doyle's The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes pretty much dominating the magazine. As stated in The Story of The Strand Magazine, it was prominent for its superior but middlebrow fiction. This shows the main style of the Strand magazine was to print fictional short stories. The stories were mostly adventure stories, that appealed to the audience because of the suspense and tension that built up until the plot was revealed at the end. At the time its biggest reader base was the growing educated middle class, who had the leisure time to read magazines like the Strand. The magazine was produced during a publishing boom of what has been collectively called railway magazines. This m eans The Strand will have been boosted in its amount of readers, until it ceased publication in 1950. The different types of reading audiences that have enjoyed the stories vary quite a lot. The main reason these stories took off so much is by them being read on trains by businessmen or just general people whilst they were travelling. In the late 1800s, trains were the main source of businessmen travelling around. However, many other audiences read the stories, for example children and the working class liked to read the fictional stories. Conan Doyle's purpose in writing The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was probably because he wanted to write something that would really get people intrigued, and excited about the conclusions to his stories. The general appeal of detective stories is to get the reader guessing at who committed the murder, or whatever the case is. Conan Doyle builds up the suspense and is extremely good at keeping the reader guessing, and making them read on. In the Speckled Band a characters says, For pity's sake tell me the cause of my sister's death. What the character says almost epitomises what the audience is thinking. This shows that the writer of detective stories always try to keep the reader on a tender hook, which is why the stories appeal so much. Conan Doyle also uses this type of thing in the titles to his stories as well. The Adventure of the Speckled Band suggests that there will be an adventure involving something mysterious and intriguing, the Speckled Band. It is the same with The My stery of the Red-Headed league and the man with the Twisted Lip, because words like Red-Headed league are very random and uncommon, suggesting they are mysterious. In all the Sherlock Holmes stories, Conan Doyle uses the historical context to entertain his readers, and because there are different generations of audience it has consequences of how they react to the stories. For example, a reader in the early 1900s would react differently to things than a modern day reader. Because the stories were written in the late 1800s, many things were different to the modern day. Transport, dress and the language spoken by the characters have changed since the stories were written. The Boscome Valley Mystery provides us with the quote, flying westward at 50 miles an hour. This would be realistically fast and exciting to a 19th century reader, but to a modern audience it wouldn't be terribly fast compared with the trains we travel on now. It would give the modern audience an interesting comparison in transport technology from now and then. Furthermore, a character in the Speckled Band is described as having a black top-hat This is what businessmen in that p eriod often wore, so would relate to a 19th century reader, but would be of historical interest to a modern audience. The language used is also of historical content. Holmes often says, pray take a seat, which wouldn't be used in modern terminology. This is something a 19th century audience would relate to because it would be used in their day, but would be of historical interest to a modern reader as words like that aren't used any more. Another related post onMuch Ado About Nothing:. Read also: English Literature Coursework Comparative Analysis Essay A Reflection Essay Sociology Coursework Help Critique Essay Write

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

King Cotton and the Economy of the Old South

King Cotton and the Economy of the Old South King Cotton was a phrase coined in the years before the Civil War to refer to the economy of the American South. The southern economy was particularly dependent on cotton. And, as cotton was very much in demand, both in America and Europe, it created a special set of circumstances. Great profits could be made by growing cotton. But as most of the cotton was being picked by enslaved people, the cotton industry was essentially synonymous with slavery. And by extension,  the thriving textile industry, which was centered on mills in northern states as well as in England, was inextricably linked to the institution of American  slavery. When the banking system of the United States was rocked by periodic financial panics, the cotton-based economy of the South was at times immune to the problems. Following the Panic of 1857, a South Carolina senator, James Hammond, taunted politicians from the North during a debate in the U.S. Senate: You dare not make war on cotton. No power on earth dares make war upon it. Cotton is king. As the textile industry in England imported vast quantities of cotton from the American South, some political leaders in the South were hopeful that Great Britain might support the Confederacy during the Civil War. That did not happen. With cotton serving as the economic backbone of the South before the Civil War, the loss of enslaved labor that came with  emancipation  changed the situation. However, with the institution of sharecropping, which in practice was generally close to slave labor, the dependence on cotton as a primary crop continued well into the 20th century. Conditions Which Led to a Dependence on Cotton When white settlers came into the American South, they discovered very fertile farmland which turned out to be some of the best lands in the world for growing cotton. Eli Whitneys invention of the cotton gin, which automated the work of cleaning cotton fiber, made it possible to process more cotton than ever before. And, of course, what made enormous cotton crops profitable was cheap labor, in the form of enslaved Africans. The picking of cotton fibers from the plants was very difficult to work which had to be done by hand. So the harvesting of cotton required an enormous workforce. As the cotton industry grew, the number of slaves in America also increased during the early 19th century. Many of them, especially in the lower South, were engaged in cotton farming. And though the United States instituted a ban against importing slaves early in the 19th century, the growing need for slaves to farm cotton inspired a large and thriving internal slave trade. For example, slave traders in Virginia would transport slaves southward, to the slave markets in New Orleans and other Deep South cities. Dependence on Cotton Was a Mixed Blessing By the time of the Civil War, two-thirds of the cotton produced in the world came from the American South. Textile factories in Britain used enormous quantities of cotton from America. When the Civil War began, the Union Navy blockaded the ports of the South as part of General Winfield Scotts Anaconda Plan. And  cotton exports were effectively stopped. While some cotton was able to get out, carried by ships known as blockade runners, it became  impossible to maintain a steady supply of American cotton to British mills. Cotton growers in other countries, primarily Egypt and India, increased production to satisfy the British market. And with the cotton economy essentially stalled, the South was at a severe economic disadvantage during the Civil War. It has been estimated that cotton exports before the Civil War were approximately $192 million. In 1865, following the end of the war, exports amounted to less than $7 million. Cotton Production After the Civil War Though the war ended the use of enslaved labor in the cotton industry, cotton was still the preferred crop in the South. The system of sharecropping, in which farmers did not own the land but worked it for a portion of the profits, came into widespread use. And the most common crop in the sharecropping system was cotton. In the later decades of the 19th-century prices of cotton dropped, and that contributed to the severe poverty throughout much of the South. The reliance upon cotton, which had been so profitable earlier in the century, proved to be a severe problem by the 1880s and 1890s.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Discussion Question Week 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Question Week 7 - Essay Example Leaders such as Adolf Hitler of Germany brought about many social changes in his society, so did partitioning of India in 1947.Man ,therefore, being a social being brings about social change to his society. The third means is economic factor. Thus the stratification of individuals in various classes shapes the society’s nature. Education is a key factor here and as people become socially conscious, making money, they positively influence their society and thus affect their lives including living standards, culture, languages and routine life. Fourth means that can change a society is industrialization that encompasses setting up of industrial parks and townships, trade unionism as well as urbanization. Industrialization therefore leads to liberalization, globalization and privatization; factors that all influence the economy of a given society (Andersen & Taylor, 2013). Factors influencing resistance to change include firstly religion-religious groups may impose their dogma on the entire society, leading to battles since several countries have diverse religions. Second factor is perceptions and beliefs that also act as hindrance to social change, for instance the fundamental rights of minorities such as lesbians and gays, race, color, gender etc ought to never be ignored in support of the majority (Andersen & Taylor, 2013). 2. The 3 types of legitimate authority as defined by Weber include; legal authority which basically is on the basis of a system of regulations that are exercised judicially and administratively according to principles that are known. The individuals administering such regulations are elected or appointed by a legally instituted process. In addition, superiors are under such regulations, hence their powers are limited and have their private lives completely separated from their official duties, which normally entail written documentation